Iced tea month, it is! Just discovered this fact as I was checking out some blogging themes. The theme is a perfect fit for the day as we are in the midst of another heat wave.

June has been a month of waiting and wondering with a lot of life changes happening with relatives and friends.

One constant, however, has been the blossoming garden. Perennials are just bursting forth while the container garden is thriving as well. The shasta daisies are a summer favourite while the coreopsis, newer for me, is delightful to see as it blooms for a few weeks.


These flowers are a daily tonic to see!

Enjoy the celebrations on both sides of the border in the upcoming week–Happy Canada Day July 1! Happy 4th, as well!  Best, all!


Author: Patricia McGoldrick

Poet Writer Reviewer Environment, Nature, Agriculture, People, and History are favorite topics to write about. Upcycling materials into handmade books is a fun challenge!

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