
Map of the regions and prefectures of Japan in...
Image via Wikipedia

Japan is struggling to cope through after-schocks in the wake of the powerful earthquake & tsunami on March 11.

Offers of help are pouring in from countries and agencies. The toll is still to be tallied but, overall, the result will be huge, devastation is overwhelming.

Sometimes it seems that the Universe “is unfolding as it should” according to the classic Desiderata.

Other times it seems like this world is sadly “unfolding” beyond any comprehension.

Is there any explanation?

For some, astronomy provides answers, theories. Here is a link to an article that queries days to come: http://www.suite101.com/content/the-supermoon-debate-grows-in-wake-of-japan-tsunami-a358056 .

Hopefully, the elements will subside so that Japan will recover!

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