One can’t help but stop and smell the flowers and blossoms, these days.


Blooms in many colours and sizes have transformed the former bleak landscape into a renewed rainbow of  shades — green, yellow, pink, purple, red, orange.

However, the night-time temperatures are interfering with total garden bliss as they are falling drastically close to freezing. Not to worry, we are taking precautions in this neighbourhood with plant covers or a move indoors.

Perennials and herbs are awakening from their long winter’s nap with the promise of pretty flowers and fresh tastes for summer dishes. Lovage returns, faithfully, each year. Its bright green leaves add an early dash of colour to the garden and the leaves add a celery-like taste to soups.

Enjoy  the wonders of spring!





Books by Maya Angelou
Books by Maya Angelou, one of my favourite poets!

For the next 30 days, it is time to celebrate poetry in many communities and countries! Canada and the United States are two countries that are celebrating poetry this month.

This is truly a special month for those who write/read/listen to poetry.

Today, in a celebration of poetry, I joined some other members of The Ontario Poetry Society to share some poetry and comments on the themes of Agriculture and Nature at a local radio station. It was an enjoyable event with a variety of perspectives on these themes. I read two of my poems: Potato and Buy Local, Buy Fresh.

If you are looking to hear and discover some local poets, check out your local media. Libraries and bookstores are great resources, as well. In the photo, here, you can see two of my favourite poetry books by Maya Angelou — great for a spring read!

Happy National Poetry Month! Best for today!

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