English: Map of Lake Huron. Category:Michigan maps
English: Map of Lake Huron. Category:Michigan maps (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In this hectic, fast-changing world, many people are searching for peace of mind, a feeling of tranquility at day’s end. Some of us seek it through a walk in nature, others in yoga or tai chi.

There are numerous ways to seek that calmer sense of being. Carrying a small stone or rock in one’s pocket is a common strategy to maintain that outlook through a busy day or meetings and encounters.

Someone gave me such a semi-precious pebble a few years ago. Red and shiny, it is smooth to the touch.

A while ago, I found a rock on the shores of Lake Huron. It seemed to be waiting for someone to pocket it. I wrote a poem about this small stone.

2014 Haiku on a rock   

washed by Huron’s waves

worn brown striped and smooth and thin

tranquility stone

© Patricia A. McGoldrick

 Whatever works for you, have a tranquil, happy weekend! Peace!

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Well it has been quite a day!

Mental health was in the forefront of social media, print sources and audio resources.


The efforts of celebrities from all fields, professionals and average citizens were focused and encouraging to all of us to talk and to listen. In the recent past, I have shared some of my poetry in an anthology of works that focused on a theme of trying to get Beyond the Dark Room.

This drive to discuss mental health has  been spearheaded by a corporation known to many as Bell at .

The mental health statistics were shared by networks throughout the day. Clearly mental health is an issue in frequency but it is also one that needs to be approached with a more positive attitude. Mental health challenges face so many; it is time to work together towards mental wellness.

In the last 24 hours, I viewed and was impacted by 3 productions:

Each story shares the reality of mental health challenges and the need to talk about them rather than hide them or silence them.These links are worth a look and may save a life!